Three Things To Know Before You Order Invitations

It seems like a natural move to start wedding planning by picking out invitations. After all, they are the first thing your guests will see that gives a glimpse into the theme and style of your wedding. However, before you meet with a representative, there are a few pieces of information that will make your meeting easier and more productive.

Know Your Information

Making sure you have confirmed the time and date with your venue is recommended when selecting invitations, simply because you may want the formality of the venue to be reflected in your design. For instance, an outdoor venue may require a less formal invitation than a wedding being performed in a traditional church.

Think About Wording


There are several options for invitation wording, from traditional to modern. Consider who is hosting the wedding, and the overall formality of your event. Ask your representative for examples, or feel free to browse our blog for inspiration.

Choose a Color and Theme

The amount of paper colors and texture choices can be overwhelming without a general idea of what you want. Take a look at the flowers, bridesmaids’ dresses, and even the season to get an idea of the color palate if you haven’t made a solid decision. Your representative can then use that as a guide and show you options within that palate.

We pride ourselves in empowering our customers to choose the invitations they love. After a design is chosen, our graphic designers work to custom each invitation to the exact specifications of our couples. Changes are welcome here, and with unlimited proofs, there’s no need to stress over potential mistakes. Feel free to reach out and connect at any stage of the planning process. We are here to answer your questions and make your event exactly what you want it to be!

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